
حوار بين شخصين بالانجليزي عن الوطن

يمكن اعتبار حب الوطن من الأمور المهمة جدا التي يجب أن نتحلى بها جميع لأن حب الوطن يعد من الأشياء التي يجب أن تكون مترسخة الإنسان بسبب الفوائد الكثيرة للوطن علينا.
ولذلك يكون هناك حوار بين شخصين بالانجليزي عن الوطن والتي تعد من الطرق المهمة جدا التي تسهل الشرح والتي تساهم لاستقبال المعلومات وهذا سوف نتعرف عليه في هذا المقال.

حوار بين شخصين بالانجليزي عن الوطن

هناك عدد كبير جدا من الحوارات التي تكون باللغة الإنجليزية عن الوطن والتي سوف نعرضها لكم خلال الأسطر القادمة، ويمكنكم قراءة ما تفضلون منها. وفي النهاية، إذا كان هناك بعض المصطلحات التي تعد صعبة عليكم، فيمكن ترجمتها في مترجم جوجل بكل سهولة.

الحوار الأول:

Muhammad: What do you think is the main reason that makes the citizen hate and destroy his country in this heinous way, my father
Father: There are a number of reasons that may lead to this result, my son, including bad education for children. Education on hatred, racism and extremism does this and more, my son.
Muhammad: How can we eliminate these actions then
Father: We must instill belonging to the homeland in the hearts of our children by constantly introducing them to their country’s ancient civilization and culture so that it becomes a source of pride for them.
Muhammad: But, my father, even in my school, I notice the great tendency of students to look to the West, so that the ambition of one of them is to grow up to emigrate from the country. And it makes me very bad.
Father: You are all right, son. Our children are now suffering from a loss of identity and blind adherence to the culture of the West, so we must try to return them to our authentic Arab culture because it is part of belonging to the great Arab nation.
Mohamed: How can we do that
Father: We, as citizens of our narrow scope, must do everything that promotes the homeland to love the people in it, and to make sure that our homeland is good, and to raise our children to be proud of the homeland and the faith.
Muhammad: I think that the competent authorities should also interfere in this matter, by spreading awareness programs that talk about patriotism, instead of spreading rumors and acts of sabotage.
Father: God willing, I see you have grown up, son, and you are saying things of great value. May God Almighty protect you for your family and your country.

الحوار الثاني:

Elham: May the peace and mercy of God be upon you. How are you, my virtuous teacher
Teacher: I am fine, thank God, and you, Ilham, what is your news and how is your study these days
Elham: I am fine, thank God, and my studies are always good, as you promised me, but can I take a few minutes of your time
Teacher: Of course, Ilham, please.
Ilham: Loyalty: What is the connection that brings people together to be the people of one country, belonging to it, love it and support each other
Teacher: These individuals are called individuals of one homeland because they belong to the same geographical area, they belong to the same customs and traditions and are associated with one religious and intellectual traits.
Elham: What does a good citizen do about the country to show his love and pride in it
The teacher: respecting the laws, rules, customs and traditions of the society, respecting the members of its society, and keenness to master the work in a way that contributes to the advancement and advancement of society, in addition to preserving its beauty, shape, and resources from wastage, and its heritage and culture from being lost.
Elham: Is it a manifestation of belonging to the homeland to participate in charitable and voluntary work that benefits the homeland? I think that such actions raise the status of the people of the same country, and improve their lives.
Teacher: Yes, Ilham, well done. You can also share the general joys and sorrows of your countrymen and support the army of your country if it is attacked by an enemy, God forbid.
Elham: This is valuable information, my teacher. Thank you very much. From today onwards, I will strive to be a good citizen, a source of pride for the country and the people.
Teacher: Excuse me, my dear. I wish you all the best and success for what is good for you and for this country, which rises up like you.

الحوار الثالث:

Salma: Hi Aya, how are you
Aya: I’m fine, thank God, but I’m tired
Salma: Why Aya
Aya: The teacher asked us to perform a duty to talk about the reason for our love for the homeland, and what it means when belonging to the homeland, and I am very confused. There are a number of ideas running through my head, but they all require big questions in order to organize them. can you help me
Sarah: Of course my dear, please tell me what you want to know.
Aya: I was wondering what we gain from belonging to the homeland, other than our feeling that we have fulfilled the duty we owe to it.
Sarah: I believe that belonging to the homeland leads to an increase in the spread of tolerance among members of society, the spread of love and peace among them, and the creation of a healthy society free of psychological diseases that spoil societies. People live comfortably and calmly.
Aya: Well, but the most important question is, what does the homeland itself give us, other than coexistence in one society with a loving people
Sarah: If you mean the financial aspect, then I think that the homeland has many good things that we benefit from. There are countries filled with gold that controls the global economy, and countries with abundant oil that make them among the richest countries and their peoples among the most materially comfortable.
Aya: What about the poor people
Sarah: They have a plot of land on which they live, and a land that they cultivate, and they reap sweet and delicious fruits from it, and whoever is content with what God has provided him feels that he is the richest of people. Give it up and invest.
Aya: I think you’re right Sarah, and I really like your way of thinking, but I only have one question, what can I do for my country
Sarah: Loving the homeland is demonstrated by actions, not words, as some weak people do. So, for example, I work diligently and strive to reach the top in my field of work in order to serve my country. I also keep the streets clean by not throwing garbage except in the boxes designated for that. I also participate in community institutions that provide services to the people of the country and help the needy.
Aya: Thanks, for your valuable information, now I can do the homework easily.

كان هذا المقال من قسم منوعات، ولكن هناك المزيد للقراءة مثل: حوار بين ثلاث اشخاص عن بر الوالدين

حوار بين شخصين عن الوطن سؤال وجواب بالإنجليزي

بعد أن تعرفنا بالتفصيل خلال الأسطر السابقة على كل المعلومات التي تخص حوار بين شخصين بالانجليزي عن الوطن، فهناك حوار آخر على شكل إجابة سؤال وهو كالتالي.

First person: What does home mean to you
The second person: The homeland is the big warm embrace that shades and protects us, as it is like a mother to her children and a home to family members. Without the homeland, you will not understand the meaning of the family, nor the family, nor the companions, nor the meaning of the mother before her, meanings that we cannot understand without the homeland.
First person: In your opinion, how do you promote nations
The second person: There are many things that nations can advance, but the most important of them is knowledge. Where nations do not advance and progress only with science, if we look at the most advanced and advanced countries, we find that science was its first goal and all that it seeks to achieve. As developed countries devote a large part of their income to education only. It tries to present all new in scientific research and studies to reach the best position it can reach in its societies.
First person: Well done, my friend, but what is our duty towards the homeland
The second person: Our duty towards our homeland is a lot, my friend. Our homeland requires us to work and diligence. Let us rise by it among the nations, as it needs us to defend it against any aggressor or tyrant against our country. Our duty towards our homeland is to love, appreciate, give oneself and sacrifice everything that is precious for the sake of our homeland.

وبعد الوصول إلى هذه الجزئية أن نكون انتهينا من معرفة جميع المعلومات في هذا المقال المتكامل والذي تعرفنا فيه بالتفصيل على أفضل حوار بين شخصين بالانجليزي عن الوطن

واقرأ أيضا المقال التالي:  آيات قرآنية عن حب الوطن

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