
رسائل عيد ميلاد للحبيب بالانجليزي

رسائل عيد ميلاد للحبيب بالانجليزي، الحبيب هو رفيق الروح وشريك الحياة، وبه الحياة تحلو ومن هنا تفنن الشريك الآخر في كيفية اسعاد حبيبه.

ومن بين طرق اسعاد الرفيق والحبيب هو تذكره بالكلمات الحلوة في عيد ميلاده، لذا خلال هذه المقالة سوف نجمع لكم أبرز رسائل عيد ميلاد للحبيب بالانجليزي.

رسائل عيد ميلاد للحبيب بالانجليزي

اتمنى ان يكون يوم عيد ميلادك مليئ بالإثارة والفرح، واتمنى ايضاً ان تتغلب على جميع العقبات وتستمر في طريق النجاح.

Today is your birthday and it is a very special day. May you always have good fortune and success in your life. Have a wonderful birthday


عندما تبتسمين ينبعث لدي الأمل من جديد، عزيزتي، أتساءل في بعض الأحيان عمّا فعلت بحياتي السابقة كي أحظى بفتاة مثلك، أعدك بأن أحبك حتى آخر يوم في حياتي، عيد ميلاد سعيد.


You bring me sunshine whenever you smile. Sometimes I can’t help but wonder what I did in my previous life to be blessed with the love of the sweetest man on earth. Babe, I promise to love you till my last day. Happy birthday


حان وقت النظر الى المستقبل ونسيان الماضي، لأن هناك العديد من الأشياء الرائعة التي لم تأتي في حياتك بعد، عيد ميلاد سعيد.

It is time to look towards the future and forget the past for there are many good things that are yet to come in your life, A very happy birthday


تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي للحبيب

All the boys in the world should learn from you, how a Boyfriend should be. You are the best Boyfriend. I Love You. Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.


You are the person who always hold my hand gently, who listen to my voice day and night, and make everything right that goes around me. Happy Birthday to that boyfriend.


As a second passes my love for you also raises, so, let’s celebrate the special day where love gets even stronger like you my love! Happy Birthday lovely Boyfriend.


You have given me a lot of lovely and Irreplaceable memories in my life. So, I am sending you tons of Birthday wishes my boyfriend. Happy Birthday to the boy I have fallen for, Stay Blessed.


You are a special person for me. So, you are going to receive a special place in my heart and special wishes for Birthday as a boyfriend. Happy Birthday.


I am making your Birthday sweeter by coating me on it. For the world, you may be 1 man but for me you my world. Happy Birthday wishes boyfriend.


You are like the sun which have unlimited happiness, love, strength, inspiration and smile. Happy Birthday to my sweet and charming SUN.


Your Arms are like my home, where I get the peace and strength to live. Happy Birthday to the person who is full of comforts.


Your smile, love, and laugh make me live my life more happily. Thanks for all the support you gave me in my life. Happy Birthday to my superhero.


I am sending you tons of love on your Birthday, May this Birthday is as cool and awesome as you are Happy Birthday, Darling.


Let our Deep love give us so much warmth that cold and lonely passes easily. I am always for you and you are always for me. Happy Birthday! Stay Blessed.


إقرأ أيضا: رسائل أدعية للوالدين

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