
رسائل عيد ميلاد حبيبي بالانجليزي

نضع بين أيديكم مجموعة متنوعة من أجمل رسائل عيد ميلاد حبيبي بالانجليزي ، تبحث النساء على وجه التحديد على هذه النوعية من الرسائل لتبادلها مع الحبيب أو الزوج في عيد الميلاد، للتعبير عن الحب وإظهار مشاعر الامتنان لوجوده.

رسائل عيد ميلاد حبيبي بالانجليزي

– Birthdays are filled with memories of yesterday, the joys of today and the dreams of tomorrow. Happy Birthday

– I want to lose myself in your arms, happy birthday, my love, my life.

– You have decoded a way to a great life! Happy birthday, my friend, now make best use of your find.

– A friend like you is a gift from God something very precious precious rare … I only hope to deserve your friendship and give you in return this assurance that you bring to my life

– You are the most compelling thing which has happened to me. Just can’t be without you. Happy Birthday.

– No sermons! Just wishing you a Happy Birthday! Have great fun.

– All I wish for you is a thousand reasons to smile.

– Another happy year of smiles and joys! Happy Birthday!

– I wish you a happy birthday, you are a person that means a lot to me and I appreciate you so much. I hope to be your friend for life, and wish you all the happiness in the world, because you are a wonderful person.

– One more year better, one more year greater. Happy birthday.

– To the world, you may be just a person, but to me, you are more than the world. Happy birthday love.

– It is time to look towards the future and forget the past for there are many good things that are yet to come in your life, A very happy birthday.

– Sending you warm wishes and lots of love on your birthda, May you have a wonderful time.

– Today is your birthday and it is a very special day. May you always have good fortune and success in your life. Have a wonderful birthday.

– Life is tough but birthdays are smooth because I will finally have a chance to smile at you. Happy birthday.

– May the day be full of excitement and joy, May you overcome all obstacles in your life and continue to tread on the path of success.

– They say that you lose your memory as you age. I say “forget the past” and live your life to the full. . Happy Birthday.

– In the good times as in the not so good, your smile comforts us as always, for these spring, I wish you a happy birthday

– It is the most important day for me, because it reminds me of the day when you came into the world and when you entered my life to make it wonderful. Happy Birthday.

– -I know you haven’t been sleeping for a week so much, you are waiting for this birthday card. I know you only think about it, you only think about the moment you open my birthday card. So let me tell you the good news, my birthday card, you FINALLY have it Happy Birthday

مقالات اخرى قد تهمك :-

رسائل عيد ميلاد الام قصيرة

رسائل عيد الحب تويتر

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