
براجراف بالانجليزي عن المذاكرة

جمعنا لكم افضل موضوع تعبير و براجراف بالانجليزي عن المذاكرة ، تعتبر المذاكرة في بعض الأحيان مصدر من مصادر المعاناة للعديد من الطلاب بمختلف المراحل العمرية نظرا لاختلاف الاهتمامات من طالب لأخر، ولكن في المقابل تكون مصدر سعادة وجمع معلومات لدى بعض الطلاب الأخرين وذلك تبعا لاهتماماتهم، فتراكم مذاكرة المواد يجعلها بمثابة العبئ فلذلك ينبغي على الطلاب المذاكر أولا بأول، فإليكم أبحاث وبراجراف بالانجليزي عن المذاكرة.

براجراف بالانجليزي عن المذاكرة

Students develop the necessary skills, handicrafts and other innovations created by students, and all of this is done through the school. The school is a kind that teaches us good manners and things of high value,

At school, we study non secular classes and learn to pray, which is the pillar of faith, and wherein we study the nice morals that are qualities of the Prophet – peace be upon him – and thru this standing unfold Islam, We study the fundamentals of the Arabic language and study to learn and write, which illuminate the way in which in all areas of life, and by studying Arabic we study to learn the Quran.

We, as students and parents, must keep the school clean, beautiful and developed, and we work to appreciate and respect the role that the school plays in establishing and inculcating the correct beliefs and that it corrects the wrong behavior that the student can do, as it works to contribute to building the family and the whole community.

I like my school life very much. It`s very interesting and useful. I go to school five days a week...

At school, study many subject. I go to school on foot. We wear light white dishsasha.

My school life is very interesting and useful, I go to school with my best friend on foot, we go to school six days a week and we have eight lessons a day.

Furthermore we do alot of things like playing different games , singing and drawing. In our break time we eat sandwiches and cold drinks. Finally I must respect my teachers and my classmates, because they are my second family but in another place.

Subsequently, there should be cooperation between the varsity and the household, and to be a superb instance of claiming and dealing, by the holding of councils and programs between lecturers and fogeys to know the weaknesses and work to reform, to be one of the best nation introduced out to the folks.

The school teaches students the features and borders of their country and other different countries, in addition to learning about their customs and traditions, so we realize the value of the differences between the country in which we live and the landmarks and customs of other countries, and the school works to teach students various different natural phenomena of all kinds.

The school is our second home because it is very important for all the members of the community because of its role in education and refined the personality of every individual from childhood to adulthood.

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