
براجراف قصير عن دور الصداقة

براجراف و موضوع تعبير قصير عن دور الصداقة ، تعتبر الصداقة اهم علاقة ينبغي أن تستمر في حياة الإنسان إلى الأبد، وذلك لإن الصديق يكون بمثابة الأخ بالنسبة لصديقه ويشاركله كل تفاصيل حياته، فلذلك لا يستطيع أن يستغنى عنه على الإطلاق، فإليكم براجراف قصير عن دور الصداقة.

براجراف قصير عن دور الصداقة

Friendship is one of the greatest social bonds between humans, friendship can be between two people only, and can be between more than two people. The friend must be loyal, faithful, and honest, and have all the meanings of the word “friendship” and be one of those who help their friends in times of distress and distress.

If a person has a friend but a liar and a traitor and does not advise him, he is not a true friend, and the relationship between them is not a true friendship, but a false and formal friendship. Truth is the essence and foundation of friendship.

The relationship between friends is based on several foundations and things: Honesty, loyalty, love, mutual trust, interaction among themselves, cooperation, and sharing of various activities, interests, and useful works.

The friend is reassuring to his side and secure him when he is behind you because he will protect you and do not betray you, but he will advise you with the sound advice that saves you when you take the wrong path.

If a person has a friend but a liar and a traitor and does not advise him, he is not a true friend, and the relationship between them is not a true friendship, but a false and formal friendship. Truth is the essence and foundation of friendship.

The relationship between friends is based on several foundations and things: Honesty, loyalty, love, mutual trust, interaction among themselves, cooperation, and sharing of various activities, interests, and useful works.

Having one good or useful friend is equal to having a hundred friends who are useless and who won’t help us in anything, we should not make friends for namesake and friendship should be like each one should live for the sake of the friends and the bond should be so strong that it should never be broken at any circumstances

We cannot trust anyone in this generation but still, we need friends at least there will be someone who is eligible for the post of a true friend but we should consider that person as our true friend only after we observe him carefully and if we take a wrong decision they it may prove as a big problem to us and always a friend in need will be a friend indeed

A friend is a one who can understand our feelings and help us when we are in need only then we can consider that person as our friend and these days generation has changed friendship has no value in some cases and we see best friends killing each other over money etc, people simply consider making friends is fun and by having a big friends circle they can do anything

Friends is the one who will help us in need, a real friend is the one who does not have any bad things about us in their mind and we should make friends with only those people who will never betray us and that friend should be with us forever as there is a famous saying ”A friend in need is a friend indeed ”

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