
براجراف عن الاب

جمعنا لكم موضوع تعبير وبراجراف عن الاب ، يعتبر الأب هو سند الأسرة وحاميها والمثل الاعلى للأولاد ويحاولون دائما أن يصبحون مثله، فلذلك ينبغي أن يكون الأب على خلق ويعلم ابنائه الصفات الحميدة والاخلاق العليا حتى ينشئون على التربية والدين وينفعون نفسهم واهلهم ومجتمعهم، فبدون الأب يفتقد الأبناء مصدر الأمل والأمان في الحياة بالنسبة لهم، وهناك العديد من أبحاث وبراجراف عن الاب، فإليكم عدد منها:-

براجراف عن الاب

There isn’t a one who thinks in his sons in his wake and sleep like him, and nobody advises them and guides them to good as he does. The daddy is a excessive wall of security that surrounds the household, the pillar of the home, and the explanation of its stability.

Regardless of what number of males are within the lives of little kids, no man deserves to be within the standing and grandeur of the Father; he’s the one one who’s granted with out account, and just one who’s cautious and drained and work arduous to make the lifetime of his kids as a paradise.

The daddy is the best man, the bond and companion within the life , the security of the household. Allah has really useful us to handle our fathers, and Allah made this an obligation, and charity to them closes us to Allah.

In the Qur’aan and Sunnah, there are many verses that urge the righteousness and honor of the fathers , and his satisfaction is a reason to enter the Paradise .

No one knows the value of the father completely except those who lost him, and children do not know the great fatigue and effort exerted by their parents only after they become parents; then they feel the great amount of love in the heart of their father.

No matter how many men are in the lives of sons and daughters, no man deserves to be in the status and grandeur of the Father; he is the only .

As they say, “one father is better than a thousand teachers” because the father`s advice comes out of his heart, and gives his experiences for his sons and daughters, because he wants them to become better than him.

Many parents give up for their children, whether for his dignity or work in a specialty that does not suit his previous education and culture, but he does not hesitate to do anything to provide a decent living for his family. Therefore, Father can never be dispensed with in life no matter how old or young we are.

Father is the guidance and teacher that the children need to strengthen their personality and makes them prepare to address the hardships of life without fear or concern, he does not spare his children with advice and guidance.

Not only that but also sacrificing the long hours he provides daily to provide clothing and food for us to live in prosperity and happiness. All this without thinking about himself or the fatigue he faces every day.

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