
براجراف بالانجليزي عن المدرسة

جمعنا لكم موضوع تعبير و براجراف بالانجليزي عن المدرسة ، تعتبر المدرسة هي المنزل الثاني للطفل وتلي الأسرة من حيث الأهمية، حيث تلعب المدرسة دورا هاما للغاية في التربية وزرع القيم الراقية والأخلاق الرفيعة والصفات الحميدة في نفوس كل طفل حتى ينشأ رجلا صالحا يفيد نفسه واهله والمجتمع، وهناك العديد من الموضوعات المتنوعة التي تتناول اهمية المدرسة، فإليكم براجراف بالانجليزي عن المدرسة.

براجراف بالانجليزي عن المدرسة

In the school through learning history and geography, we learn about our country and the different countries, and learn about its customs and traditions, and thus we recognize the differences between our country and those countries, as well as learn about the various natural phenomena, we know the cause of eclipses and rotation of the earth, we learn about man, plants, animals and so on;

In class, we be taught non secular classes and discover ways to pray, which is the pillar of faith, and wherein we be taught the great morals that are qualities of the Prophet – peace be upon him – and thru this standing unfold Islam, We be taught the fundamentals of the Arabic language and be taught to learn and write, which illuminate the way in which in all areas of life, and by studying Arabic we be taught to learn the Quran.

The varsity is a middle of cultural and non secular enlightenment that enlightens the society in its correct method. The varsity is the primary class to rise to the excessive grades when it comes to the presence of the instructor and physician, engineer and others who illuminate the way in which for future generations.

And probably the most locations that assist in studying the system and order, from the start of the primary day of examine you discover that you’re required to face in a well mannered and respectable type within the faculty queue after which enter to obtain training and sit effectively and hear effectively. So it can be crucial in our lives too.

Students learn how to solve mathematical problems by learning to combine, subtract, divide and multiply .

Therefore, there must be cooperation between the school and the family, and to be a good example of saying and working, through the holding of councils and courses between teachers and parents to know the weaknesses and work to reform, to be the best nation brought out to the people.

In addition, the students develop hobbies, skills, drawings, handicrafts, and other skills and creations created by students. The school, which provides us with education and ethics and things are countless, it is our duty to maintain it, And to appreciate the role it plays in building correct beliefs and correcting erroneous behavior, and what it contributes to the building of the family and society.

The school is our second home because it is very important for all the members of the community because of its role in education and refined the personality of every individual from childhood to adulthood. It is the second source to receive knowledge and advice through its educational curricula.

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