
براجراف عن التعليم بالانجليزي

تعرف على افضل موضوع تعبير وبراجراف عن التعليم بالانجليزي ، يعتبر التعلم هو افضل وسيلة لكي يتثق الإنسان ويبحر في علوم الحياة والمجالات المختلفة، حيث أن التعليم لا يقتصر على كتابا واحدا فقط بل ينبغي على الإنسان أن يتعلم ويفهم ويدرك وينفذ ويطبق على ارض الواقع ما تعلمه حتى يصبح مبدعا متعلما بالفعل اي استفاد بالعلوم التي تعلمها في حياته، وهناك العديد من العبارات الهامة عن التعليك فجمعنا لكم اهم أبحاث وبراجراف عن التعليم بالانجليزي.

براجراف عن التعليم بالانجليزي

When we get the right education, we will know our rights and what are the rights of others , which makes us good for ourselves and others and society,

. Therefore, education is very important to build a cultured person who has the principles of knowledge of his rights and duties which keeps the society from all strife and conflicts.

In most developing countries many boys go to education more than girls.

. Because of that misconception, developing countries are not progressing and ignorance continues to affect them greatly. The man did not rely on education to develop himself and the girl is sentenced to work in her home only; leaving the responsibility for development and community building.

Many writers and intellectuals talked about the importance of education, all of whom describe education as the nerve of any society that dreams of development and overcoming poverty and difficulties..

The importance of education is that it helps you to show what you are able to achieve and that education only makes this possible. So when we know what the goals of education and use in our lives we will build a better society to the future quickly and successfully.

Seeking knowledge may be difficult in many times, making many people turn away from it because of the distress it causes them, but if they know how much benefit they will learn from it, they would not do this.

I like my school life very much. It`s very interesting and useful. I go to school five days a week. We have seven lessons a day we study English, Arabic..

At school, study many subject. I go to school on foot. We wear light white dishsasha.

My school life is very interesting and useful, I go to school with my best friend on foot, we go to school six days a week and we have eight lessons a day. It’s not too much or boring because we are very interested in learning different subjects like English, math, history. Furthermore we do alot of things like playing different games , singing and drawing. In our break time we eat sandwiches and cold drinks.


Subsequently, there should be cooperation between the varsity and the household, and to be a superb instance of claiming and dealing, by the holding of councils and programs between lecturers and fogeys to know the weaknesses and work to reform, to be one of the best nation introduced out to the folks.

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