قصائد وأشعار

قصيدة باللغة الانجليزية عن الرسول

تعرف على قصيدة باللغة الانجليزية عن الرسول ، يعد رسول الله سيدنا محمد – صلى الله عليه وسلم – هو اخر الرسل وخاتم الأنبياء والذي أنزل عليه الكتاب العزيز القرأن الكريم لتبيلغ الناس جميعا به، وكان رسول الله ملقب لـ”الصادق الأمين: وكان هناك العديد من الكتاب والأشعار يمدحون الرسول في قصائدهم الشعرية لتعدد صفاته الرفيعة التي يفتقدها العديد من الناس، ولا تقتصر أشعار مدح الرسول على اللغة العربية فقط بل يود الكثير من الأشعار الأنجليزية التي تمدح الرسول أيضا.

قصيدة باللغة الانجليزية عن الرسول

فإليكم قصيدة باللغة الانجليزية عن الرسول مقدمة من قسم قصائد وأشعار:-

I am free
I am free
But not only me
Also you can be free
The way is clear to see
You Know who helped me
A man I didn’t see
But he loved me
He set me free…
But not only me
Now I can see
No darkness no fears
Before before years
What a pain to see so little
And so weak to be buried
No shame and no tears
A light came to here
To set the weak free
You want to ask me
You want to know who’s he
He’s dear to my heart
And to my ear
His picture is here
In my heart
He is not the one there
He is dead
He isn’t here
Look ,it isn’t fair
They draw him
Like a….
What I can’t say
He doesn’t need my word
But I just wanted to say
Mohammed is for ever
The great and the dear

The light of God’s eye
It is by mimicking your actions that

I strive to live and die
If I can just be a mere fraction
Of the person that you were
My bounties, knowledge and goodness
Will indeed commence to incur

No single unbeliever (black nor white)
Can aid in your defamation
It is through God’s eyes that you are
The key to human kind’s salvation

O Prophet, my beloved prophet
The Seal of all who came before you
Your kindness, love and compassion
Cannot ever be surpassed nor eschewed

They have tried to denounce you
Yet your name is inscribed in the throne of God
Indeed they’ll never know love will surpass hate
And their plan to vilify you is flawed

They can say whatever they want to say
They will unfortunately never know
The love and admiration for you that
Will ALWAYS and FOREVER continue to grow

In the dark cave of Hira.
A man began to cry.
Oh Allah show me the light.
Tell me why I was created.
Where will I go after I die ?
What’s the purpose of this life .
Where people murder and lie?.
How can I stop their corruption?
Oh Allah You’re my only Guide

On that clear and blessed night.
Jibra’il came to Hira.
He hugged Prophet Muhammad.
Until he thought he would die.
Read O Muhammad read.
In the name of your Lord.
By Allah you’ve been chosen.
Over the whole of mankind

مقالات أخرى قد تهمك:-
قصيدة انجليزية عن الصداقة

قصيدة عن الصديق الحسن

مقالات ذات صلة

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