
برجراف عن النظافه الشخصيه

جمعنا لكم افضل موضوع تعبير وبرجراف عن النظافه الشخصيه ، تعتبر النظافة الشخصية من اهم الأساسيات التي ينبغي أن يتبعها الإنسان في حياته سواء الصغار او الكبار، فالنظافة من الإيمان وأمرنا الله – سبحانه وتعالى – بها في كل زمان ومكان، فالنظافة هي التي تجعل الإنسان دائما مظهره لائق وجميل ويحبب الناس فيه حتى لا ينفروا منه ومن التعامل معه، وهناك العديد من المعلومات عن النظافة الشخصية ومدى اهميتها في حياة الإنسان لصحته وسلامته وسلامة كل من حوله، فإليكم أبحاث وبرجراف عن النظافه الشخصيه.

برجراف عن النظافه الشخصيه

Cleanliness is the inspiration of wholesome well being for the person, as a result of the surroundings by which he lives will have an effect on him psychologically, socially and bodily. Who amongst us accompanies the soiled man? Or reside in an unclean and soiled surroundings?.

Scribbles on the tables and on the walls, vulgar words, some students flounder leaving their spitting on papers. We even smell the bad smell in the air.

The scent that comes from socks and sneakers, particularly whenever you simply spent the session of bodily training. There may be additionally mud, fly all over the place, spiders on the lamps and on the ceiling, Even plugs are lined with mud and torn from their place. These answerable for this air pollution are college students, lecturers who don’t punish pupils, administration that doesn’t management and preserve, and likewise brokers who don’t do the cleansing.

The cleanliness brings the psychological consolation of the human being and the sense of happiness, in contrast to the filth , it brings ailments and unhappiness and frustration at all times, so you need to at all times keep cleanliness in each place and time to keep away from illness and laziness.

. Preserve your room clear and all the time tidy in order that filth doesn’t deliver bugs and ailments to you.

Preserve your physique clear by taking bathe every single day to maintain your physique clear and don’t really feel the scent of sweat. Put on clear clothes to maintain your look neat and exquisite

Cleanliness is a superb factor and it’s also urged by Islam, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as a result of cleanliness is from religion and piety and love of God. God additionally loves those that keep cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the duty of every person, every house, every state and every civilization, There is no one who accepts to sit and speak or eat with someone who is not clean; cleanliness is a sign of your health, and the health of any place where cleanliness is maintained in general.

Leave your house clean and remove the garbage daily from the house so that no unpleasant smells remain at home, cleaning your home always protects you from living in an environment with diseases.

Eat clean and non-exposed food to keep your health from diseases and bacteria that are transmitted through contaminated food.

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