
براجراف بالانجليزي عن السلام

جمعنا لكم افضل موضوع تعبير وبراجراف بالانجليزي عن السلام ، السلام هو رغبة وأمل مختلف الشعوب سواء العربية او الاوروبية أو غيرها، فالسلام هو لغة تشترك بين كل الدول من مختلف العالم، فالسلام يجعل الشعب متكاتف ويعيش في أمان نفسي واطمئنان وتكون الفرصة لديهم اكبر لتعليم ابنائهم وتربيتهم ونشأتهم افضل تنشئة من الدول التي تعاني من وجود حرب، وهناك العديد من العبارات عن السلام فإليكم أبحاث او براجراف بالانجليزي عن السلام.

براجراف بالانجليزي عن السلام

Peace is one of the most important factors in the progress of humanity, because the war disrupts the creation of thought in man, and makes the world in ruins and injustice. Here are some of the most important points that show the importance of peace in human life and societies.

Peace is the natural state of human societies, as it is one of the most important factors affecting people’s lives, and is largely linked to the prevalence of security.

Wars between States arise for a variety of reasons, including political, economic, ideological or other conflicts. Ideological conflicts are often a tool of politics, directed as they want, we see the war here and extinguished there, how, and why no one knows, what is important is the eventual registration of the numbers of victims.

Peace between people and nations is one of the factors that lead to the spread of security, in addition to a number of other factors, especially the good economy.

Technological advances in countries, the proliferation of new technologies in various parts of the world. Modern technologies require constantly working factories , creative minds capable of working in respectful environments. These factors are available only in peaceful environments.

People from different countries of the world, and their cultures, are closer together because of peace.The environment of peace is better than the environment of destruction for the spread of ideas.

The flourishing of the tourist movement, tourism in countries that are war-ravaged is less likely to find an active tourist movement in it, in return for its activity in safe and peaceful countries.

The spread of economic welfare among people, as people will take care of their work in times of peace, unlike the times of war, which one pays attention to only one thing which is to avoid missiles and deadly bullets.

Preserving the monuments of the state and its civilization; bombs and explosives will not differentiate between centuries-old and modern, governmental or sensitive buildings, especially if these bombs and explosives are in the hands of rust-contaminated minds and shattered souls.

The existence of peace and harmony in the country is of great importance, and some of things that are achieved by the existence of peace are:

The world deprived of peace will collapse and resemble old times filled with injustice, in which the weak are prey to the stronger.

In order to achieve peace and security, countries must join together in their joint efforts to achieve peace, through the establishment of a peaceful and stable international environment for social development in the country, as well as the need for investments in the areas of health, education and participation, especially for youth in society.

Peace is one of the most important things in life for mankind in general and for future generations in particular, Where the place where peace found can be secured and thus avoid the existence of violence and terrorism.

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